The combination of propofol and ketamine (ketofol) is mostly used for short procedural sedation and analgesia. Various
combinations of ketamine and propofol doses have been used in this aspect. This study was conducted to compare the two
different combinations of ketamine with propofol in providing adequate procedural sedation without limb movement in
patients undergoing day care gynaecological procedures. This study also evaluated the hemodynamic stability, sedation
level, post procedural analgesia and the time needed to discharge patients from the recovery room. Fifty patients of ASA
Physical Status I and II undergoing day care gynaecologic procedures were categorized into 2 groups, each group having
25 patients. Group A patients received 1ml/kg of propofol and ketamine 0.25mg/kg. Group B patients received 1ml/kg
propofol and ketamine 0.5 mg/kg. Adequacy of procedural sedation and analgesia was assessed with incidence of limb
movements during procedure. In recovery room VAS (Visual Analogue scale) score, modified sedation score, modified
Aldrete score and side effects were noted. The results were analyzed using SPSS 16.0. The incidence of limb movements
during the procedure was 3(12%) in group B and 9(36%) in group A. Mean VAS score at 1hr was high in group A
compared to Group B. Haemodynamic measurements, sedation score and postoperative side effects were comparable.
Ketofol(1:2) combination is the most appropriate dose for procedural sedation in day care gynaecological procedures with
less postoperative side effects and short recovery timeddd |