Introduction: The pattern of kidney diseases varies from place to place due to genetic differences, access to health
care, socioeconomic status, and the pattern of background infections. Drug related problems (DRP’s) are frequent in
hospitalization were multiple changes in patient’s medication regimens and lack of community of care may be accompanied.
Objectives: To study the pattern of renal diseases and drug utilization in paediatrics. To evaluate the clinical features and
categorise renal diseases based on diagnosis, to identify and assess Drug related problems (DRP’s) Methods: A prospective
observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital among 131 paediatric patients with renal diseases who were
admitted to the paediatric wards of our hospital over a period of 6 months. Relevant information was retrieved from direct
patient interview and from patient case profiles and classified based on aetiology as Infectious and non-infectious diseases.
Results: In a total of 131 patients, renal diseases were most commonly observed in males 70 (55%). Majority patients were
in the range of 2-12years age group 89 (60%).Highest number of patients were diagnosed with Nephrotic syndrome 53 (
39% ) followed by UTI. Mostly prescribed category of drugs was antibiotics 79 (57%). Most observed DRP was untreated
indication 114 (57%).Conclusion: It emphasize that the pattern of renal diseases in pediatrics, which are the important cause
of morbidity and conclude that the pharmacists assessment of drug related problems and providing interventions is vital for
improving optimal pharmacotherapy and quality of lifeddd |