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Background:-Anaemia can cause immense and variety of haematological disorders and hypothyroidism would be its first manifestations. The pathogenesis of this hypothyroidism are involved numerous mechanisms can be macrocytic, microcytic. Macrocytic hypothyroidism usually ascribe to loss of iron and malabsorption of iron through menorrhagia. Microcytic hypothyroidism is caused by malabsorption of vitamin folic acid, vitamin B12 inadequate nutrition and pernicious anaemia. Normocytic anemia is characterized by reticulopenia, decreased the level of erythropoietin, hypoplasia of erythroid genealogy, essentially survival regular erythrocyte. This study we designed to investigate the hypothyroid incidence of anaemia patients and its morphological pattern in urban populations. Aim and objective: To study the proportion of hypothyroid and its morphological pattern of hypothyroidism with anaemia in the urban population. Materials and methods: This study was conducted at RVS Medical College and Hospital from January 2019 to April 2019. In this study enrolled a total number of 50 patients after granted permission. Data information were collected from the case sheets in RVS medical college and hospital, originally, demographic data information such as (patients name, age, sex, etc.), the present complication of hypothyroidism in anaemia, enrolled all subjects of past history. Result: In our study, 50 enrolled patients having (35%) hypertension and co morbid conditions (38%) followed by DM, (18%) Dyslipidemia and obesity (6%). Defining the Hb level for the anaemia in female were respectively <12 g/dL and <13 g/dL. The haemoglobin range was observed to be between >8 to 10 g/dL for 7 male & 28 female patients and more than 10 g/dL was observed in 14 (2 male and 12 female). Discussion: Data information according to the World Health Organization, the prevalence of anaemia is 25.9% all over the world mostly in underdeveloped countries observed in this study. In India hypothyroid with anaemia is a complicated health problem in the country, which may be accelerated by a situation such as anaemia. Conclusion: As females are the most basic consumptive of hypothyroidism alike with sufficient intake iodine there would be a group of screening for haematological parameters along with thyroid function for the earlier intervention and detection. And also, in hypothyroid patients are the most common types of anaemia are microcytic anaemia.ddd